
Frequently (or not) asked questions about Silchester Village Market

Where is Silchester Village Market?

Silchester Village Market is held at Silchester Village Hall, Little London Rd, Reading, Hampshire RG7 2ND. The Village Hall is conveniently located opposite the cricket/football pitches, and across the road from the Calleva public house in the Centre of Silchester Village.

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FAQ - Hot Chocolate from Mortimer Chocolate Company


The Village Hall has its own car park but is closed for outdoor stalls.  You can leave your car in front of the Calleva Arms public house which is a public road, not private land, or in the Pavilion car park just a short walk away.

What time is the Market on?

The Market runs from 10am to 12:30pm.  Check out the full market schedule here.

Are there refreshments available?

Yes,indeed. You are in for a treat. Visit the Market Café for freshly cooked bacon, egg or sausage sandwiches, home-made cake and biscuits, washed down with a great cup of tea or coffee, (coffee supplied by The Coffee House’) or perhaps a warming hot chocolate.

Who runs the Market?

The market is run by local volunteers. If you wish to contact them, please use the form here. Alternatively,

Phone 01189 700 999                      Mobile 079 565 33471

Email info@silchestervillagemarket.org.uk

Can I have a stall at the market?

Please apply for a stall here.

Can I help with the market?

Yes please, the market takes a lot of organising, but it’s great fun. We’d love your help with putting up market notices, delivering leaflets, setting up, serving refreshments in the Market Café, clearing down after the market, or just one of those things!! Please contact us using this form.

FAQ Silchester Village Hall

Silchester Village Hall

The village of Silchester, which is best known for the nationally important remains of the large walled Roman Town of Calleva Atrebatum, is situated in the Local District Authority of Basingstoke and Deane, and lies roughly at the centre of a triangle comprising the towns of Reading, Newbury and Basingstoke. Although Silchester is essentially rural, it has excellent road links and is conveniently situated for access from a wide area within North Hampshire and West Berkshire.

The Village Hall which is situated close to the centre of the village opposite the cricket/football pitches and across the road from the Calleva Arms public house, has provided the focus for many activities and functions for the past 85 years. A recent usage survey determined that the Hall is used by some 25,000 visitors a year, illustrating its importance in developing the village identity, attracting people from surrounding areas as well as people from Silchester itself.

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